Structured Settlement and Super Contributions
Categories: All | Superannuation
Disasters, be they natural or man-made, can happen to anyone. It could be a car accident, a tree crashing through the roof, or a bushfire hitting your residence. In any case, an event that causes significant harm or impact that affects someone’s everyday life in an adverse way is never pleasant.
Tips to Maximise Your Super Before Retirement
Categories: All | Superannuation
There are plenty of ways to maximise your superannuation contributions prior to your retirement at any time of your life. As means of funding your nomadic lifestyle, your seachange or your downtime after retiring, you want to make sure your superannuation balance is equipped to handle it.
Make sure Your Super Goes to Your Loved Ones
Categories: All | Superannuation
What happens to your super when you die? It might not be a question that has cropped up in many people’s minds, but it is something that you should be concerned about.
Unpaid Super - what are your options
Categories: All | Superannuation
Australia’s superannuation laws are designed with the intent to ensure that your nest egg for retirement is protected and able to continue to grow throughout your career.
Your employer is expected to make contributions to your superannuation by law, known as the Superannuation Guarantee, as a part of your wages and salary package. The current rate for the SG is 10% in 2021-22.
Whether you are facing complex tax issues or just need your tax return Perth completed quickly, our consultants are ready to assist you. Call our office today to enquire about tax advice on (08) 9362 1000 or email